There are differnet types of taxes during the purchase, holding and sale of a Japanese property. 

Here is a breakdown of these taxes, their calculations and in what stages they will occur.


Taxes for Japanese properties
Item Calculation Buy Hold Sale
Stamp duty


Selling price: 5-10mil: 5000

10-50mil: 10000

50-100mil: 30000

Title deed registration tax 2% of land and building valuation    
Real estate acquistion tax


Land valuation* 1.5%

Building valuation * 3%

Fixed Asset Tax Tax valuation * 1.7%    
Income tax


Within 1.95mil: 5%

1.95-3.3mil: 10%

Capital gain tax


Calculation: Sold price - purchase price - depreciation - other fees

Within five years: 30%After five years: 15%